Saturday, April 11, 2009

Phoebe's Flower Pictures

I took Phoebe to a great Blue Bonnet patch this year to take pictures. It was so pretty! We had a great time!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Day at the Park

We are having some great weather. Phoebe and her friend Skylar played at the park together. They had a great time.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Phoebe's 2nd Birthday Party

Even thought only 2 of Phoebe's friends could come to her Party. We still had a great time! Phoebe had a Mickey Mouse Easter egg hunt party. We participated in the local Easter egg hunt. It was CRAZY but Hope and Phoebe did have fun. Skylar was not able to meet us at the egg hunt. He made it in time for her cake! The best part!! They all had a great time. Phoebe's Memaw Horner and Auntie Isa (Lisa) came down from Oregon to celebrate it with her. She was very happy to see them.

Happy 2nd Birthday Phoebe!!

Phoebe had a great Birthday! We started out the day at Ella Bella and I let her pick anything out that she wanted with her birthday money. She picked out a pink plush rolling backpack that has an elephant stuffed animal on the outside of it. She also got a Disney Coutor shirt with all the princesses on it. Her friend Hope and Ella Clair ended up coming there as well so we all went over to the Cakery for mini cupcakes. She got pink icing all over her!! We then went to lunch at her favorite place, McDonalds with Amy and Trey. They had fun playing together. That was a ton of fun! When we picked up daddy from work she got to unwrap her presents from us. She loved to Dora coutch that we got her and all her toys. We gave Phoebe her first bowl of ice cream of rher birthday desert. She had a great time eating it.

Art Class

Phoebe started to take an art class at Gymboree. They make about four diffrent projects, have circle time, snack time, and reada story. She seems to like it alot. This day daddy got to go with us. We had a great time together!

Playing Trains

Phoebe got a train set for her birthday from her mamaw. She has so much fun playing trains. She plays with it everyday!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Phoebe's Thomas Birthday Party

We had a Thomas small Birthday Party for Phoebe with my mom. We went to McDonalds and a few of Phoebe's friends and had a great time. I also surprised my mom with a cake for her 60th aslo. She was very surprised!

Day out with Thomas

At first she didn't know what to think is the train ride. But then she did get used to it and like it.

I love this picture of Phoebe. She is looking at Thomas' behind.

Phoebe and I with Sr Topom Hat

While my mom was here she took Phoebe to the Day out with Thomas. Phoebe was so excited to see Thomas! She kept saying GO SEE THOMAS!!! We got to go on a ride with Thomas also. Phoebe loved riding on the train. It was a fun day!!