Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's been awhile!

OK so I haven't blogged in awhile! I am so sorry to those that are trying to catch up in our lives. Thing have been kinda busy. Phoebe is doing very well in school. She goes twice a week. Mondays she now takes dance. Its a combo class, tap ballet and some tumbling. She LOVES it!! Has her 1st recital this coming May. She is going to be adorable! Gymnastics is going well to. She is about to move up to the next level in two weeks! I am so proud of her! Phoebe is becoming quite the independent little girl. She is potty trained when it comes to pee pee but she still wont poo poo in the potty. She will go and put on a pull up herself to do that. I hope to break her of this during the summer.
As you can see we have a pretty active little girl! Its a busy life but we have a lot of fun! I get my free time when she is at school and if she naps at home. We are getting ready for Spring Break. Hoping for a fun and busy time cleaning up the house. I will post pictures when I get the chance. That's it for now!
