Thursday, March 12, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday LONG over due

I took some cute shots of Phoebe in her Super Bowl outfit and hadn't had the time to get them onto the computer but I had to share them. As you can tell we are Cardinals fans. To bad they didn't win but it was a great game. We had a good time. After church we took Phoebe to her favorite place, McDonald's to play to wear her out. It worked to. She slept during most of the game. I love this outfit!

Day out with Mommy and Daddy

Phoebe and I took a ride on a electric Thomas the train ride. She seemed to like it a lot. It was pretty fun. This was a trial run for Thomas Days when she will ride the BIG train for the first time.

We had a great day with Phoebe this week. Since we couldn't go to the zoo with all the rain we have we took her to the Choo Choo Station at the Grapevine Mills Mall. Phoebe has begun to like to play with trains and Thomas so we knew that she would have a ton of fun. She didn't even want to eat her nuggets she was so excited! That says a lot for her!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Our Phoebe

Phoebe decided this day that she was going to do her own hair before we left for the store and put on my headband. It was so cute! Very proud of herself. She was also exceted about her new Dego toy that we got her the day our car was broken. She takes it every where almost all the time. And of coarse we can't forget Mickey!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day out with mommy and daddy

We took a road trip yesterday and stopped at a park to play. Phoebe had so much fun with her daddy and I. She didn't want to play on the little playground but on the big kids side. She climbed up and slid down the big twisty slide all by herself and then told us that is was our turn. When she went town the slide she said WEEEEEEE all the way. It was so cute. Sorry the pictures didn't turn out well. I forgot my camera and had to use my phone camera but I had to get some shots. She was having such a good time.