Sunday, July 5, 2009

Phoebe's 1st Baseball game

Phoebe tried to hard to understand the game.
It was kids day at the ball park and they gave each child a Young jersey. Phoebe and Eric were so excited about it! Eric more than Phoebe but I think she liked it because she looked like him. :)

"May I take your order?

Eric taught Phoebe the Monkey dance. I know its not the best picture of it but I think its to cute!

I am so blessed to have a friend whose hubby works for the Texas Rangers so Phoebe and I got to go to a baseball game! We had a great time! Phoebe being shy around people sometimes I was a little worried that she would cry the whole time but she LOVED it. She clapped and watch the whole thing! They have a kid zone area with games so before the game we took them up there to play one. Phoebe ha d a good time playing pin the tail on the horse. It was so hot outside we left to go eat at TGI Fridays. They had a blast! Eric kept Phoebe busy so I could finish eating my food. The table behind us was empty so they played back there. Eric wanted to pretend like he was Phoebe's server it was to cute! I think he has adopted Phoebe as a little sister. They have a great bond together! I can't wait to go back! Hopefully Chris gets to go with us next time.

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