Monday, June 29, 2009

Sea World

The elevator in our hotel.
Our parking guy coming into Sea World

I had to take a picture of Phoebe at the Hotel before we left before she got messy. So cute how she blends into the poster.
We got to Sea World early to get a good parking spot so we had time to look around outside. Phoebe was so excited to go into Sea World. I love how this picture came out! I love Phoebe's smile. She does love to take pictures!

Sea World! Shamu Show

I just love how this picutre turned out. Phoebe was so proud of her shamu ice cream. What a cutie!

We didn't get any pictures of Phoebe watching the Shamu show because she was buried in my shoulder the hole time. Before they started the show she liked watching Shamu swim around but as soon as it started and he jumped out of the water she got very scared. Didn't realize that he was that big. Know Phoebe loves Sahmu! She plays with him every day at home and watches her Shamu ABC movie at least twice a day. What a funny little girl!

Our Trip to San Antonio River Walk

We have a great time walking around the River Walk. It so unique and beautiful. Phoebe loved watching the boats and the ducks going down the water. Dinner was fun and yummy at the Hard Rock Cafe. Phoebe loved the music! It was great to get out of the heat too! The next day we went to Sea World! I will post those next.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Our Trip to San Antonio Part 2

So here is the second part of our trip. We went to the Alamo the first day that we were there, Sunday. It was very hot but we did have a good time. Phoebe was such a good girl when we went into the actual building. What a great history lesson for her. Not that she will remember it but we can tell her about the time that we were there for the first time. I am sure that when she gets older we will go back. The Snow cone was very yummy! Phoebe didn't know what to think about it but once she got a taste she wanted the whole thing! I will post the picture of Downtown on the River walk next. I hope you are enjoying the pictures as much as we enjoyed out trip!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Our Trip to San Antonio Part 1

This is round one of our trip to San Antonio. I decided to make scrapbook page layouts since I have so many pictures to show y'all. We had a great trip. Long ... but fun! Phoebe did great on the road. Watching her DVDs and coloring kept her busy most of the time. We were all glad to get out of the car and eat lunch in San Antonio. We tried to get into our hotel early but the rooms were not ready yet so we headed for the Downtown area where the Alamo is and River walk. That will be part 2 of our trip. MORE TO COME.....

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Summer Time fun!

I took Phoebe to Toys R us yesterday and got her her first sandbox. So far she doesn't really like getting in it. When she did she said, OH NO ALL DIRTY! and had to go clean off with the water. She does like digging out of the box. Phoebe is such a girly girl ! Never really likes to get dirty. Loves dancing and gymnastics. Its to cute!!

Phoebe's 1st Swim Lesson

On Friday Phoebe had her 1st swim lesson of the season. Since Chris wasn't with me I couldn't get any of her on the water during her lesson but I did get some before pictures. Phoebe was so excited about going swimming she was ready 1/2 hour before we had to leave! It was pretty cute! She grabbed both bags, had me put on her sunglasses and said mommy lets go swimming! When we got there we had to get our suites on in the dark. No electric! Flashlights only! That was not easy! She did great! Followed directions and all! I was so proud of her!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Swiming Play date

Phoebe invited Hope to go swimming with her last week. The girls had a great time! Phoebe had fun playing in the Toddler pool on the slide slashing on the water.