Thursday, June 4, 2009

Gymnastics ( lots of picutres!)

These first pictures of Phoebe is on the trapoline. This is what we do before every class. Phoebe things that its funny. She tells mommy to jump than she tries to do what I do. Its very cute!

After we warm up on the trapolines we to our streches.

Marching to our next spot.

Learing to wait our turn on the tumble track. What a good girl!

Phoebe on the beam with mommies help.

Phoebe is doing so much better in her gymnastics classes! I think she is started to understand that she needs to listen and follow instructions. I didn't have to chase her as much! I am so proud of her. I am starting to let her coach take over and just follow what she wants her to do. Making Phoebe listen to someone else other than mom I think id good for her. I was able to get a lot more pictures this was also. We had so much more fun since she was behaving. Her coach was also very impressed with Phoebe. She told me that if Phoebe starts listening like this more than pretty soon she will be ready to move to the 2 yr old class where mommies and daddies just watch. I am so proud of her! What a BIG girl she is becoming!

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