Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Gorgeous Girl

I took Phoebe to Target today and let her pick out her first pair of Sunglasses. Being the little princess she is she picked out the Disney Princess ones. She was so proud of herself. Becoming such a lady! I am sure that she will want more!

Memorial Day 2009

We had such a great Memorial Day! The weather was perfect! Phoebe had such a fun time in our backyard playing with her new sprinkler ( or what she calls "water ball"). She decided that mommy had to get wet some too. Well It was to late to get my swim suite on so I just changed clothes later. Phoebe also thought that the ball needed a bath to. It was cute! Phoebe kept trying to wash her hands and take a shower. How adorable is that!

Phoebe'e new Thomas the Train Table

Phoebe was so excited when we gave this to her. A friend of mine was getting rid of her sons Thomas the Train wooded play set at her garage sale but I told her that I get first dibs for Phoebe. I was so excited to get this for her! Phoebe jumped and screamed for joy! WOW how she LOVES Thomas! She is just getting to recognize the characters that she sees in the movies, shows and that we read in books. One of her favorites beside Thomas of coarse it Emily. Emily happened to be in the box of trains. Phoebe found her and showed me. "Mommy EMIMY!" She was super excited! I have been trying to teach her that when she is done playing train that we need to put them away. So far she is going pretty good. She already has a huge imagination with Thomas. Now every time we go by the real train tracks by our house she has to say CHOO CHOO TRAINS! Its adorable! Thank you Angela!!

Hide and Seeky!

Phoebe's new favorite game is playing hide and seeky as she calls it with me. It super cute! she says " Mommy plays hide and Seeky!" and puts a blanket over my head or hides in her Mich Mouse Club House like she is doing in ther pictures. What a silly little girl i have!

1st Trip to Cabela's Sport Store ( warning lots of pictures!)

Sunday we went to Cabela's Sporting store that is right by our house. From the picture you probaly think that its not a Sporting good store. Well they do have a great selection of items and also some great exibits. That is why we went. As you can see we had a great time!

They have a huge aquarium in the fishing department! Phoebe was so excited to see all the fish and the turtles! It was fun to watch her! I think she would like a pet turtle she loved watching them. But I dont think we will ever get one. TO messy and I heard from my friend that they stink! EWWW. What a cutie Phoebe was pointing at all the animals and fishes that we saw. We will have to go back sometime soon!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Little Rodeo Princess

I took Phoebe took Phoebe to take preview pictures at Sears for their new Western theme day shoot. It was pretty fun. Had some difficulty getting her to corporate but they worked very well with her. She has a fun time playing horse!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Play time and new baby Rylan ( NO NOT MINE lol)

The new addition to Amy's house. And it was his first play date. He did well. Phoebe wasn't very happy when I was holding him. She kept saying " no baby mommy no baby" It was cute!

Finally we got to go to my friend Amy't house after her new baby boy Rylan was born to meet him. The kids got to play together while us moms talked and goo gooed over the new baby. Is is so sweet and sluggly! She is truely Blessed with such 3 amazing boys! Each with their own caracteristics but still look alike. Trey is a great big brother!

Renasance Festival 2009

YES we went in the RAIN!! It was fun! It didn't rain that hard. Phoebe had a BLAST getting all wet and falling in the mud! So glad that I brought lots of extra clothes for her.LOL And her Thomas rain coat. Because of the rain we didn't get to take may pictures. I didn't was to get our new camera wet. We had a great time and ate some yummy food. Some of the shows were canceled but we still found things to do.

The first thing we saw to stay some what dry was the glass blower. It is always so amazing to see.

Chris got to go on stage with the Belly Dancers. It was so funny. They made him do it too. (Looks below) What a great Birthday present! LOL