Sunday, May 10, 2009

Phoebe's Birthday picture sesson

This Saturday I was finally able to take Phoebe to get her Birthday Pictures done. She had such a fun time as you can see. I love them all! I hope you enjoy!

One of Phoebe's favorite thing to do is clap. Its super cute!

She is becoming such a big girl! So beautiful! I couldn't ask for a better daughter!

I had to get a shot done of her bottom in her petti skirt. Her bloomers have her name on them. It was so funny how she put her foot up there. To get her to lay down I had to lay beside her and we played like we were going night night. One of the favorite games of Phoebe's.

This one is one of my absolute favorites of mine! She thought that it was funny. So full of engery!

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