Tuesday, May 26, 2009

1st Trip to Cabela's Sport Store ( warning lots of pictures!)

Sunday we went to Cabela's Sporting store that is right by our house. From the picture you probaly think that its not a Sporting good store. Well they do have a great selection of items and also some great exibits. That is why we went. As you can see we had a great time!

They have a huge aquarium in the fishing department! Phoebe was so excited to see all the fish and the turtles! It was fun to watch her! I think she would like a pet turtle she loved watching them. But I dont think we will ever get one. TO messy and I heard from my friend that they stink! EWWW. What a cutie Phoebe was pointing at all the animals and fishes that we saw. We will have to go back sometime soon!

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