Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Our Little Fish

Each student gets one on one time with the teacher. Phoebe is getting ready to show her how long she can swim for. She really likes her teacher!
Here I come daddy!
Phoebe getting her M&M for swimming well for her Teacher Miss Liz. Her favorite part!
Swimming with the bar bells to practice kicking
Saying good bye
Phoebe is going so well in her swim class this year. She is actually swimming by herself underwater for about 3 to 4 sec at a time! We are so proud of her. Taking swim lessons at Emlers has been a great experience for all of us. They make it fun and different every time. Normally I go in the water with Phoebe but since daddy has time off of work he was went with her some too. This way I can watch her and take pictures.

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