Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wiggly Play Center LOTS OF PICTURES

Phoebe doing the Romp A Stop dance! My Wiggly Dancer!

On Friday July 3rd we went to a Metro Moms Event at the Wiggly Play Center in Frisco Texas. Phoebe loves the Wiggles so we knew she would have a great time and we all did! They had some carnival games set up where the kids could win prizes, slides, cars to ride and Big screen TV with the Wiggles singing and dancing on it. Dorthy and Wags came out to dance and sing with the kids. Phoebe didn't know what to think of it at first then she was happy to see them. They had a little shop of Wiggle toys, shirts, etc, so we let Phoebe pick out something to take home. She loves her Henry octopus! She dances to the wiggles with him at home. Its too cute!

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